About Us

  • SSUC Sanctuary

About Us

Sydenham Street United Church is located in The Spire, a barrier-free heritage building, at 82 Sydenham Street in downtown Kingston, Ontario. We strive to be radically inclusive and welcoming to everyone regardless of age, ancestry, race, ability, orientation or economic background. Further information on the building’s inclusivity and accessibility is available here.

You can also get a great sense of our church building, and what it offers to the congregation and the greater Kingston community by viewing the many Instagram photos and videos here! (Note that an Instagram account is required to view images).

Our Vision

Sydenham Street United Church’s Vision Statement reads:

As an Affirming Congregation, we seek to be a vital faith community within The United Church of Canada:

  • engaged in spirituality, justice and creativity,
  • informed by Jesus Christ and the Bible,
  • and discerning the call of the Trinity,
    as we celebrate diversity, inclusivity and abundant life.

Our Mission

The Sydenham Street United Church Mission Statement reads:

We are committed to:

  • following Jesus’ example as we embrace people of all ages, racialized groups, genders, sexual orientations, gender identities, ethnic origins, political beliefs, economic circumstances and differing abilities and challenges in the ministry and life of Sydenham Street United Church,
  • deepening our spiritual relatedness and honouring the worth of each individual by extending hospitality and pastoral care, and sharing relevant and meaningful worship, spiritual practices, and small group ministry,
  • broadening our outreach/social justice through existing programs, advocacy and new initiatives to address local, national and global needs; and to welcoming the use of our space by those involved in outreach/social justice seeking to live lives of compassion and peace, and
  • being nurtured by the arts within the congregation and wider community by encouraging use of our facilities by those engaged in any and all artistic endeavours.

This Mission Statement resulted from a discernment process involving broad community consultation in 2008. This commitment was renewed in 2014, with the addition of the first statement above.

At that time, we also committed to maintain the building as an asset that would continue to support local community needs. The building, now known as The Spire, is home to more than 20 not-for-profit groups, including Sydenham Street United Church.  More details of the transformation of the church into a Community Building dedicated to building community can be viewed here.

Annual General Meeting

Sydenham Street United Church hosts an annual general meeting, normally in June.  At that time, a new slate of executive officers and committee chairs and members are approved for the next twelve months.  

In advance of the meeting, the annual report is circulated to all members of the Sydenham Street United Church faith community. It provides a comprehensive record of the church’s activities, priorities and resources over the past year.

2020 AGM report

2021 AGM report

2022 AGM report

2023 AGM Report

2024 AGM Report

Updated 2024 05 29