What is Small Group Ministry
Small Group Ministry has been a long-standing feature of our church life. It is a way to join with others in the pursuit of common interests or spiritual development. Some groups meet monthly, some more frequently. Small groups will start anew this fall; some new groups are in the early stages of development. Check the weekly bulletin for more information about the small groups available at SSUC. Please feel free to Sue Doerksen 613-766-325 for more information. If you have an ideas for a new group we would love to hear about it. The SSUC Small Group Ministry welcomes everyone.
How to Join a Small Group,
This year you can sign up on-line! Email Sue Doerksen with the following information: Name, Phone number, Email address, and Group preference. We will send you a confirmation and add your name to the appropriate sign-up sheet.
Active Small Groups: Book Group, Evening, Coffee Hour Hosts, Pop-up Discussion Groups, The Fixers, Greeters, & Readers, Hiking Group, Just Lunch, Movie & Coffee, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Community Garden. The SSUC Small Group Ministry welcomes everyone.
Co-ordinator: Sue Doerksen 613-766-3254
List of Our Small Groups
The Movie and Coffee small group’s regular movie night is the last Sunday of each month. We meet at the Screening Room for either of the movies that start about 4 p.m. Check the newspaper or the Screening Room website for exact start times. After the movies, we head to a downtown restaurant for dinner and conversation. New members welcome! Contact Barb Carr for more information.
Join members of the congregation for a casual lunch at an area restaurant. Enjoy food and fellowship with us once a month.
Up and Running again!
The Tuesday Evening Book Group will gather on August 27 at 19:00 hr via Zoom to share responses to Thomas Hardy’s Far From the Madding Crowd. We will then be donating a book club set to the Kingston Frontenac Public Library in memory of Irene Oudyk-Suk.
Our September gathering, via zoom, is on Tues the 24th when we will each share information about a book we have enjoyed or struggled with in the past few months. We’ll create a master list.
October’s selection is Alice Munro’s My Best Stories, another set of books purchased on our behalf, to be donated to KFPL when we have finished our conversation about it. This set is in memory of Barbara Parrott. October date TBD.
For more information contact Ellie Deir.
Volunteer weeders and garden contemplaters are always welcome – – and needed. The Project Community Garden is growing and the harvest will be donated to The Loving Spoonful. Contact: Lead Gardener, Donna Delyea delyead@live.com 343-364- 1758 The Community Garden was a student run project, which worked in partnership with Sydenham Street United Church. Thank you, friends and neighbours, who coaxed fresh vegetables from our Community Garden for The Loving Spoonful.
For more information contact Donna Delyea
A monthly hike, usually on a Friday, with refreshments following at a nearby restaurant.
Maximum of 12 people, Please let the Co-ordinator know if you would like to join the scheduled hike.
Co-ordinator: Catherine Purcell 613 540-3824.
Hiking Group: Photos from July hike to Parrott’s Bay.
We have formed Prayer Shawl Ministry group, which meets generally every 1 or 2 months from 1:00 – 2:00pm. This time is set aside for knitting/crocheting together, prayer, tips on instructions and technique, and conversation. Everyone is welcome. Coordinator: Sue Doerksen (613) 766 3254
How many people does it take to change a light bulb?
The Fixers meet on Thursdays from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. at the church for a time of work and social interaction as we do those small things that make our church space safer and attractive. For more information contact Walter Schmid at 613-449-7675.
Updated 2024 07 25