Highlights from Executive Meeting March 13th, 2024
- Peace & Quiet @ The Spire is continuing on Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.; a special coffee hour is being planned for early May (date yet TBD) where people can share what creative activities they turned to during COVID to deal with isolation and loneliness.
- The Social Justice and Outreach Committee reported that a “Cooking with Students” event was coordinated by the committee and involved three congregational volunteers planning and supervising the preparation of a meal by Queen’s students, which was then shared by all. It was a fun event: great food & great conversation! It was also noted that a Soup Lunch will be held on April 7th. Barb Parker, S,J & O
- A reminder of Holy Week Services – from the Worship Committee
- Sunday, March 24th, 2024 – Palm Sunday “Jesus & Jonah” @ Sydenham Street
- Thursday, March 28, 2024 – Maundy Thursday Communion Service – 6pm @ Cooke’s-Portsmouth United Church, which includes a meal.
- Friday, March 29, 2024 – Good Friday Ecumenical Service 10am @ St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
- Sunday, March 31st, 2024 – Easter Sunday @ Sydenham Street
- The Board of Friends of The Spire has voted to support building maintenance at The Spire with a transfer of $5,000.00. The Board is also subsidizing the salary of the General Manager with a transfer totalling $15,000.00, if that entire amount is required. Board members, the GM and chair of the BMG met separately with representatives of H’ART Studio and the Providence Commons project with the possibility of collaboration, rentals. The Spire is unable to accommodate H’ART Studio, and will provide advice on the Providence Commons projects. FOS led by Liz Bates and GM MacLeod will be looking for support for the manufacture and installation of seat cushions in the pews. Ellie Deir, FOS.
- Future Directions Team: This group was disbanded at our Congregational Meeting on March 3rd. However, their final report listed a number of recommendations that need to be considered and followed up on. Deborah Elliott has asked all Chairs of committees to, not only report what they have been doing, but to report on the goals & objectives they have set to comply with these recommendations.
- From our General Manager: our new sound system has been installed and is working well. MP Mark Gerretsen was onsite to celebrate the new sound system.
- Earth Day at The Spire is set for April 21st. Tickets are now on sale. Presented by FoS. Coffee is now available for purchase in the lobby.
- A grant proposal has been submitted to the Trillium Foundation to help with upgrades to the Upper Hall and a separate one has been submitted to the Kingston Community Foundation for lighting.Some grant money has been received from New Horizon for Seniors to help pay for space rental and creation of seniors’ theatre group. Ian Malcolm is currently working with the General Manager to create a program.
Highlights from Executive Meeting – February 14th, 2024
- Rev Catherine Elsdon will be offering a Lenten Series on Jonah. There is a study group looking at Jonah on Wednesdays during Lent, at 10am at The Spire. Come and find out new things about Jonah!
- A final Report from the Future Directions Team will be presented at our Congregational Meeting in March 2024.
- A successful Soup Lunch was held on January 14, with a good turnout despite stormy weather. The proceeds of $480 were directed to the Benevolent Fund. A Soup Lunch will be planned for the spring, probably in mid April.
- Peace & Quiet @ The Spire is resuming on Wednesday (11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.), after pausing for a few weeks while the new sound system was installed in the sanctuary.
- This month, Friends of The Spire transferred $11 000.00 to Sydenham Street United: $1000 to enable GM Sam MacLeod to boost posts to Facebook and Instagram about Seniors Centre programs at The Spire, the remainder to support congregational operations. Many thanks to the FOS.
- The Board of Trustees met with its RBC Financial Advisor February 12th. The investment plan for a recent bequest in the amount of $80,000 was discussed in some detail. The Trustees are tremendously grateful for this bequest and to all those who, over the years, have remembered Sydenham Street United in their wills.
- The Ministry & Personnel Committee hosted a Thank-You Lunch on January 11 at Olivea, as an expression of appreciation for the excellent work of our General Manager Sam MacLeod, Facility Coordinator Lisa Leavitt, Custodian Les Campbell, Music Director Howard Lopez, and Minister, the Reverend Catherine Elsdon. We feel blessed to be led, and assisted, by such an accomplished and expert staff at Sydenham Street UC and The Spire. Thanks go also to Committee members Catherine Purcell and Patricia Frost, who organized the event, and made it a real success!
Highlights from Executive Committee Meeting – January 10th, 2024
- Our General Manager reported that our new sound system will be fully functional by February 8th.
- We are welcoming the Seniors Centre for two trial sessions of programming at The Spire. Programming schedule to be released soon.
- Peace & Quiet @ The Spire is continuing on Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.; however it will be cancelled on Jan. 31 and Feb. 7, while the new sound system is being installed in the sanctuary.
- The Social Justice and Outreach Committee has increased its Mission and Service goal for 2024 to $51,000.
- Friends of The Spire (FOS) continues to support Sydenham Street United Church financially. Members of the Board of FOS have been working on several capital projects at The Spire including the Narthex Story Wall, the Performance Hall upgrades. An event planned for April 21 will be a fundraiser, focused on Earth Day.
- Our social media specialist Dana Ruprecht resigned in late December, 2023. We have hired a replacement, Trinette Atkinson, who will collaborate with General Manager, Sam MacLeod.
- Linda Hutchinson presented a comprehensive written biannual report on the various functions that comprise the Engaging the Spirit Ministry Circle. Current leaders of the functions – Vicki Ruthven, Jack Soule, Diane Soule, Sue Doerksen, Lynn Freeman, Rev. Catherine and Linda Hutchinson, were joined by Marilyn Huffman and Jim Leake. In summary:
- Worship Committee and Rev. Catherine continue to provide thoughtful, inspiring worship, introducing new music for the congregation to sing, new resources for clarity of understanding such as the Inclusive Bible and unique themes such as an Advent series on Messiah composed by George Handel with libretto being supplied by Charles Jennens.
- Circles of Companionship continue to work in tandem with Rev. Catherine to provide pastoral care as well as social events. Our “Christmas Connections” of cookies and cards reached 48 homes and 68 individuals. Birthday cards made by Diane Soule are delivered to 12 people over 90years of age during the year.
- Hospitality continues to make SSU Church a welcoming place – on arrival with Greeters at Sydenham Street and William Street doors, a Welcome Table in elevator foyer for name tags and being greeted by name, hymn books, latest news, offering etc while Coffee Hour in lower hall offers opportunity to greet one another with conversation for the soul and refreshments for the body.
- Small Group Ministry, overseen by Sue Doerksen and Marilyn Huffman, offers opportunity for people to gather around a common interest. There are about 50 participants in 6 groups currently offered. See the weekly E-News for listings. New Groups are welcomed.
- Affirming Action Team has planned and participated with Rev. Catherine in worship services for Pride Sunday and Affirming Anniversary Sunday, Pride Parade with 32 SSU Church participants, and sent cards of congratulations to three new Affirming Ministries in East Central Ontario Regional Council.
- Faith Formation for 8 Children continues, with loving and inspiring leadership from Lynn Freeman, to connect spirituality with everyday life through Biblical stories and art/craft expressions. Watch for their “Little Children’s Library” which they are planning to erect outdoors, near the William Street entrance.
- Faith Formation for Young Adults and Families, initiated by Rev. Catherine, has been and will continue to be offered through 2023-24 in collaboration with other Kingston United, Anglican and Lutheran Churches in the form of Spirit Query for young adults and Family Faith Events. Both initiatives offer new ways to bring the ancient faith stories to life in conversations and artistic expressions as well, of course, food. A core group of participants has formed for each series.
- Lunch and Learn, led by Jim Leake and his team, provide 9 monthly Zoom gatherings with speakers (local and national) on the current theme “Neighbours Changing the Future”. This program reaches out to people beyond our structural walls with themes focused on social justice, health and faith.
Highlights from the Executive Committee meeting of October 11, 2023
- on Oct 22nd, immediately following worship, there will be an informal meeting, for all who wish to attend, with an update on the Sanctuary/Performance Hall upgrades
- Pie Making November 7 – 9:30-12:30 (Rev. Catherine Elsdon will be coordinating a morning of pie-making for the marketplace event on November 18, volunteers needed!)
- disbursements from the Benevolent Fund are now averaging $2,000/month and demand is growing
- the Helen Tufts Child Outreach Program is set to begin on Oct. 16th and 18th with 15 children per evening and a full slate of Queen’s students who act as tutors and supervisors of the program.
- the Art & Soul group provided the lovely chancel decorations for the Thanksgiving service, as well as flowers for the September services – thank you! Also, they have some ideas for artwork for the main entrance, and are currently on the hunt for the wooden “crèche figures” that the congregation created many years ago. Any leads would be appreciated!
- hall rentals are going well, and actual revenue continues to exceed budgeted expectations
- our 2023 Stewardship Campaign is underway with a focus on support for the SSU local operating budget.
- the Executive approved the transfer of $11,000 from the Endowment Fund to the General Fund to cover a deficit in Operating.
Four upcoming Sunday services will stress separate aspects:
- October 29 – PAR as a means of giving
- November 5 – Legacy Giving
- November 12 – Outreach of The Spire
- November 19 – Investing in the Future
Highlights of Executive Committee meeting of September 13th, 2023
Discussion centered on a number of topics:
- our upcoming retreat on Oct 1st
- our new sound system (over $140,000 has been raised so far by the Friends of The Spire to fund it)
- repayment of our Federal Government loan
- our participation in the United Marketplace Tour which will take place November 18th
- our garden thrived under Donna Delyea’s care and 68 pounds of produce were donated
- with permission from the Executive, the Social Justice and Outreach Committee will be sending a letter to the appropriate government agencies in support of a ban on advertising of on-line sports betting
- hall rentals are going well, and actual revenue continues to exceed budgeted expectations
Several motions were passed by the Executive:
- Lionhearts Inc. was granted permission to re-open the “pass-through” between the Upper Hall and the Green Room/Kitchen area
- Wilkinson & Company LLP will be hired to conduct a 2023 financial audit of SSU Church Operations at an estimated cost of $5,000
- the Kingston School of Dance was granted permission to sell and serve alcohol on a one-time trial basis in the performance space
- our General Manager was granted permission to pursue Federal Government “New Horizons for Seniors” Funding to develop a twice-weekly Arts Program for Seniors at the Spire
- permission was granted to the Friends of The Spire to move forward with the purchase of the sound system as presented to the congregation, now that funding is in place
- approval was given for the design of the new Sound Booth as per the drawings provided by architect Mikaela Hughes
- approval was given for the transfer of $40,000 from the Endowment Fund to Operating to repay the Federal Government loan
- the Executive Committee approved the requirement for a police background check for all staff & volunteers working with minors or vulnerable populations at SSU Church
Highlights of Executive Committee Meeting of June 14th. 2023
- Kirby Ruthven reported that our rentals were $57K this month (compared to $32K last month).
- Trustees are searching for a new chair (Donna Delyea is passing on the torch).
- The Executive approved the appointment of Ian Malcolm as Interim Chair of the Ministry & Personnel Committee for a period of one year.
- The Friends of the Spire Inc: Steve Campbell – reported that they were very impressed with the discussion and the support of the Congregation at our AGM with regard to both the MOU and the proposed Performance Hall/Sanctuary enhancements.
- The Executive will meet next on September 13th, 2023.
Highlights from the Executive Committee meeting of May 10th, 2023
- – the Friends of the Spire asked the Executive to approve the distribution of their “Project Enhancement Booklet” and Campaign Letter for distribution to the Congregation. The motion was approved and carried.
- – after many hours of painstaking work and several re-writes, a small dedicated committee (Bruce Hutchinson, Susan Irving, Barb Parker & Jack Soule) produced a revised MOU between the Trustees of the Congregation of SSUC and the Friends of the Spire. The document will be presented to the Congregation at the AGM in June.
- – the Benevolent Fund continues to run a deficit and this is of much concern.
- – the Business Management Group was given approval to form a subcommittee to develop a 2023 Spire Alcohol Policy: members of this subcommittee would be the Chair of BMG, the Spire General Manager, Steve Campbell and Jack Soule.
- – the Chair of BMG and the Spire General Manager were authorized to begin the process of trade marking the name “The Spire”.
Highlights from the Executive Committee meeting of April 10th, 2023
- Rev. Catherine Elsdon highlighted the important work that Linda Hutchinson has been doing at the Welcome Table every Sunday. Linda’s intentional welcoming of new members has helped move them from being curious to feeling connected and this has been invaluable.
- New hours/days of work for the Office Administrator were approved by the Executive and will be reviewed after 3 months.
- Deborah Elliott presented the results of the recent survey of some 50 participants outlining What we do Well at SSUC and What we can do Better. The results were very informative.
- The Executive expressed much gratitude to Brit Smith for his $50K donation this month – money targeted for the new sound system in the Performance Hall.
- Ian Malcolm has been invited to join the FOS Board as an Ex-Officio member beginning in April
- it was deemed important that there be a continuing presence from the SSUC Executive on the Friends of The Spire Board.
Highlights from the Executive Committee meeting of March 8th, 2023
- General Manager, Sam MacLeod reported on the proposed Performance Hall/Sanctuary Upgrades: Further consultations have determined that it is not possible to install the projector screen in the ceiling, as previously suggested. Alternatives are now being considered. Grapevine Theatre has expressed its appreciation to the congregation for accommodating set changes to the sanctuary relating to its production, HARMONICA, being performed the week of March 13-18.
- Treasurer Kirby Ruthven reported there was an $86 surplus in the operating fund at the end of February.
- Visioning Team Member Deborah Elliott advised that the team would report back to the congregation on the first exercise and lead an interactive exercise with the congregation, including remote worshippers, during worship on Sunday, March 12th.
- Business Management Group Chair Walter Schmid reported that a second defibrillator had been installed on the second floor of the building. Anyone interested in learning to how to use it should contact Sam MacLeod and plan to attend a training session in the near future.
- Worship Committee Chair Vicki Ruthven confirmed that Sydenham Street United will share summer services with Chalmers and Faith United Church in 2023. She also reported that the Worship Committee has been considering the repurposing of the pulpit, currently stored in a corner of the Narthex, as a baptismal font. The font currently located in the entranceway to the sanctuary is too heavy to move easily and has a deteriorating base.
- The Executive Committee approved several motions, including the following:
- That the Executive establish a committee to draft a new alcohol service policy for the building;
- That the Executive approve the Worship Committee recommendation that the wooden pulpit be repurposed as a baptismal font, following consultation and approval from the Case family, who donated the pulpit in 1929 to the congregation.
- That the Executive approve the Worship Committee recommendation to remove the Canadian Flag from the front of the sanctuary. (Plans are for the flag to be hung in another location, consistent with Government of Canada protocols.)
Highlights from the Executive Committee meeting of February 11, 2023
- Rev. Catherine Elsdon – Catherine reported that planning is underway with various committees to set out activities & services for the upcoming summer & beyond. Catherine has been working on a “Faith & Film” worship series for Lent. She continues to connect with new members.
- General Manager, Sam MacLeod reported on the progress of the Performance Hall/Sanctuary Upgrades: electrical & engineering quotes are being received for lighting & audio enhancements and grant applications are underway; short and long-term rental agreements are being updated.
- Funds have been received through a Davies grant to purchase a second AED suitable for adults & children – to be located on the second floor; training will be provided for the appropriate persons.
- The Church’s Endowment Fund portfolio continues to hold its own, in spite of market fluctuations; the balance in the fund on February 1st was $348,885.68.
- SSUC will be hosting Good Friday at 10:30am with partners from our Ecumenical group.
- Marielle Boyce recently joined the Communications Team as SSU’s first Social Media Coordinator, a volunteer role. Marielle will take the lead in building our visibility on social media, primarily Facebook.
- A successful Soup Lunch was held on February 5 with approximately $550 raised for the Benevolent Fund; there have been new volunteers to help with the Food Voucher Team.
- The Joint Truth and Reconciliation Action Group (JTRAG) members (Chalmers, Faith, and Sydenham Street United Churches) remain committed to being involved in continuing education, worship planning & leadership, network-building, participation in Indigenous events/educational opportunities, all the while encouraging & increasing the participation of the congregation.
Highlights from the Executive Committee Meeting of January 11, 2023
- Deborah Elliott introduced a plan and timeline for the “Future Directions” initiative which will invite congregational input into the vision of the future of Sydenham St. United Church
- An application has been made to a federally supported program to hire two students to work for 8 weeks in the summer
- Work proceeds on determining possibilities and priorities for the performance hall upgrades
- An agenda was developed for the January 29 congregational meeting which will include reports from a number of committees
- A draft budget for 2023 was approved and will be presented at the January 29 congregational meeting