Why I Sing

“Why did you choose Sydenham Street United Church as your church home?”  Over the years, many people have given the same answer. It is “because of the music.”

At Sydenham Street United Church, we are blessed with an inspiring selection of traditional and contemporary music Sunday after Sunday, year after year.  So, we asked choir members “Why Do You Sing”. Here are some responses.

Dana Charlton
Worship: As a devout follower of my faith, singing in my church’s choir is a way for me to actively participate in worship and praise. I find that singing in the choir enhances my spiritual experience and helps me connect with my faith on a deeper level. Community: As someone who recently moved to a new address, joining my church choir has been a great way to meet people, make friends, and become part of a community that shares my passion for music and worship. Musical skills: As a music lover, singing in my church choir has been an incredible opportunity to improve my musical skills and knowledge. I’ve learned new techniques, improved my vocal range, and have been able to hone my ability to harmonize with other singers. Performance opportunities: As someone who loves to perform, joining my church choir has been a great way for me to share my musical talents with others. We often perform at special events and services, and it’s been an amazing experience to be able to perform in front of others. Stress relief: As someone who has a lot of stress in my daily life, singing in my church choir has been a great way to unwind and take a break from the pressures of life and other worries. I always feel refreshed and rejuvenated after a choir practice or performance. Personal growth: As someone who has struggled with self-confidence, singing in my church choir has helped me develop a greater sense of confidence and discipline. I feel a great sense of accomplishment when we perform and have found that singing in the choir provides a creative outlet for self-expression and personal growth. Service: As someone who is passionate about giving back to my community, singing in my church choir has been a way for me to use my musical talents to serve others. I see my music as a way of spreading a message of hope and love, and it’s been incredibly rewarding to be able to make a positive impact on others through music.

Barb Carr
I grew up singing in the St. George’s United Church choir in Toronto, directed by Lloyd Bradshaw. I started in the Junior Choir, then moved to the 100-member Youth Choir. My brother and sister were in the choirs, my mom in the Senior Choir, and my dad sat in the congregation. The Youth Choir rehearsed on Sundays for two hours, after which we had supper in the church basement, organized by the Choir Auxiliary (UCW Unit 13). This was the social highlight of my week!  After supper we sang an evening service, and I have loved evening services ever since. 
Two other Youth Choir events stand out: a 4-week tour of the UK in 1964, and an annual Gilbert and Sullivan production. The director and stage manager had quite the job of getting a female chorus of about 60 on and off stage!  Years later, in Kingston, I was in several Meistersingers G & S shows, where I met Margi McKay, who invited me to join the SSUC choir, and here I still am!

Susan Doerksen
I love choral music and I tried to be part of a choir all my married life, which was not that easy since being a military family, we moved 15 times. So I joined church choirs to make new friends. After retirement, we settled into Kingston, and found a beautiful church with a wonderful choir. And as I had always done before, I called the Choir Director, Charlie Walker, and asked him if I could join his choir and he laughed and said of course you can! Once again, I had found a community of great friends who love to sing!

Lauren Hisey
Why do I sing? It’s an excellent question, one that, as someone who is currently in four different choirs, Sydenham St included, I don’t think I’ve somehow had an answer to until now. I suppose that if I were to give one, the first thing that pops into my head is “because I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t sing”, which sounds quite bleak when I put it that way, but is, in fact, an answer that instills a deep joy in me.
I grew up in a family of musicians; my father, mother, both sets of grandparents, my stepmother and her family, all of them have, in some way, a deep connection to music, as I do. I like to say that music is literally in my blood, and in most ways it is. I’ve been singing ever since I could, I think. I’ve sung in many different choirs in my 20 years, and each one is an experience that I keep near and dear to my heart. Singing has granted me leadership opportunities, the chance to travel new places, meet new people, learn new things, but most importantly it has given me community. And that’s something I will always be thankful for.
I once had a conductor tell me that every once in a while, when the conditions are right, a choir can be so in sync with each other that their hearts literally beat in the same time. And I think that, the chance to be a part of something like that, something bigger than me, is a beautiful reason to sing indeed.

Beth Leake
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t sing.  It came as naturally as breathing.  My Dad was a singer, which ensured that music, especially choral music, was an important part of our family life.  When my sister and I were small, we would amuse ourselves on family car rides by singing.  We made up harmonies to all the songs we knew, taking turns singing melody and harmony. 
Singing fills me with energy.  No matter how tired I feel when heading off to rehearsal, I come home afterwards absolutely “high” – excited by the challenges presented by the music, joyful at the sense of shared purpose with my fellow choristers, and with a heightened sense of well-being. Singing nourishes my soul and is my pathway to worship. Standing shoulder to shoulder with others; engaging every part of your body; breathing as one; lifting lifeless notes off a page and transforming them into a soaring, multi-part, beautiful musical gift to the listener – is a magical, and strangely intimate, experience. It forges strong bonds and deep, lifelong friendships.

Mary Smith
I sing in the choir because hearing my voice blending in harmony with others makes me joyful. When I feel joy I think I am a better person in living my life. I am more generous, kinder.
I sing in the choir because in doing so on Sunday morning, I am giving something to the worshiping community in the beauty of the music.
I sing in the choir because of the sense of community I find among the other choristers.

Updated 2023 05 01